Residential and Commercial Pest Control Local service areas

Fort Collins, Colorado

Pest Control Fort Collins, CO

Fort Collins, CO, is a lively and diverse city with a lot to offer. The bustling downtown and rich cultural scene are full of excitement. Colorado State University adds youthful energy and tons of cultural events and festivals. The food scene is amazing, with local eateries and international cuisine reflecting the city’s diversity. Beer lovers will enjoy the craft breweries that give Fort Collins its unique character. With beautiful parks, excellent schools, and a welcoming vibe, it perfectly blends urban amenities with a friendly, small-town feel.

The combination of lush greenery and mild weather makes Fort Collins, Colorado a magnet for pests. You’ll find everything from ants and mosquitoes to wasps and rodents. The city’s parks, gardens, and natural areas provide perfect hiding and breeding spots for these critters. The warm summers and not-too-cold winters mean pests can stick around all year. Plus, with so many homes close to nature, it’s easy for pests to find their way inside. The rivers and ponds around the city also give pests plenty of water sources, making Fort Collins an inviting place for pests alike.

Common Pests in Fort Collins, Colorado

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How Do I Get Rid of Ants in My Fort Collins Home?

Ant infestations in Fort Collins homes often stem from food sources and entry points. Identifying where ants are entering your home is crucial, as is keeping your kitchen and dining areas clean. Ants typically enter homes in search of food (like sweets) and water, so eliminating these attractants can help. Regularly checking and sealing any cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and foundations is essential to prevent their entry.

Are There Specific Types of Ants Common in Fort Collins?

Fort Collins commonly sees odorous house ants and pavement ants. Odorous house ants are known for the strong smell they emit when crushed, often likened to rotten coconut. Pavement ants, on the other hand, are typically found nesting in cracks in sidewalks and driveways. Knowing which type of ant you are dealing with can help in understanding their behavior and nesting habits to help prevent future infestations.

What Attracts Ants to Houses in Fort Collins?

Ants are drawn to Fort Collins houses primarily by the availability of food and moisture. Crumbs, spills, and open food containers can attract ants quickly. Additionally, leaky pipes and damp areas provide the moisture ants need to survive. Ensuring that food is stored properly and fixing any moisture issues can help reduce ant attraction.

Where Do Wasps Typically Nest in Ft Collins, CO Homes?

In Ft Collins, CO, wasps commonly nest in eaves, attics, and wall cavities. They also favor trees, shrubs, and garden sheds as nesting sites. These locations provide the shelter and security wasps need to establish and grow their colonies. Regular inspections of these areas can help identify and address nests early to help prevent them from getting out of hand.

What Types of Wasps Are Found in Fort Collins, Colorado?

Fort Collins, Colorado, is home to several types of wasps, including paper wasps, yellowjackets, and hornets. Paper wasps, including the infamous Colorado Black Wasp, are known for their umbrella-shaped nests, which they build in sheltered locations. Yellowjackets are aggressive and often nest in the ground or within wall cavities. Hornets build large, rounded nests typically found in trees or on buildings.

Fort Collins CO Wasp Control

Wasps can pose a danger to people in Fort Collins, CO, especially to those who are allergic to stings. Wasp stings can cause painful reactions and, in severe cases, lead to anaphylactic shock. Wearing protective clothing and being aware of your surroundings can help prevent stings. It’s important to exercise caution around wasp nests and seek professional help from OBEX if you find a nest near your home, one of the highest-rated, and the best exterminator in Fort Collins.

What Types of Rodents Are Common in Fort Collins, Colorado?

Fort Collins, Colorado, is home to several types of rodents, including house mice, deer mice, and Norway rats. House mice are small and typically brown or gray, while deer mice have a distinctive bicolor pattern. Norway rats are larger and more aggressive, often nesting in basements and crawl spaces. Knowing the specific rodent species can help in addressing the problem effectively, which can be imperative to getting them under control. Knowledge and experience from OBEX can help – get a quote today, within minutes1!

How Do I Identify Signs of a Mouse Infestation in My Fort Collins Home?

Signs of a rodent infestation in your Fort Collins home include finding droppings, gnaw marks, and nesting materials. You may also hear scratching or scurrying sounds, especially at night. Rodents often leave greasy marks along walls and baseboards as they travel. Being aware of these signs can help you identify an infestation early and take action.

Are Mice and Rats Dangerous to People in Fort Collins, CO?

Mice and rats can pose significant dangers to people in Fort Collins, CO. They can carry diseases such as hantavirus Open a new window icon and salmonella Open a new window icon, which can be transmitted to humans through contact with their droppings or urine. Additionally, rodents can cause structural damage by gnawing on wires, insulation, and wood. It’s important to address infestations promptly to protect your health and property.

Common Spiders in Fort Collins

Fort Collins, Colorado, is home to several types of spiders, including house spiders, black widows, and wolf spiders. House spiders are small and often found in webs in corners of rooms, while black widows are more dangerous and typically found in dark, secluded areas. Wolf spiders are larger and more active hunters, often seen on the ground rather than in webs. Recognizing these common species can help in managing spider issues effectively.

Where Do Spiders Typically Nest in Fort Collins Homes?

In Fort Collins homes, spiders commonly nest in dark, undisturbed areas such as basements, attics, and closets. They also prefer corners of rooms, behind furniture, and within storage boxes. These locations provide the safety and prey availability that spiders need to thrive. Regular cleaning and decluttering can help reduce the number of hiding spots for spiders.

Are Spiders Dangerous to People in Fort Collins, CO?

While most spiders in Fort Collins, CO are harmless, some species, such as the black widow, can pose a danger to humans. Black widow spider bites can cause severe pain and require medical attention. It’s important to be cautious around spiders and to correctly identify them to determine if they pose any risk. If you suspect a dangerous spider species, seek professional assistance from OBEX today.

Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted to my Yard in Fort Collins?

Mosquitoes are attracted to yards in Fort Collins by standing water and shaded areas. They need water to breed and often rest in cool, shady spots during the day. Additionally, mosquitoes are drawn to carbon dioxide (like that we all exhale when breathing) and body heat, making outdoor activities a magnet for them. Reducing standing water and maintaining your yard can help minimize mosquito attraction. Utilizing OBEX’s seasonal mosquito control can help reduce your property’s mosquito populations by nearly 97%, on average.

Where Do Mosquitoes Breed?

In Fort Collins, CO, mosquitoes typically breed in standing water. This includes sources like bird baths, clogged gutters, and plant saucers. Even small amounts of stagnant water can serve as breeding grounds. Regularly checking and eliminating these water sources can help reduce mosquito populations.

What Types of Mosquitoes Are Common in Fort Collins, Colorado?

Fort Collins, Colorado, is home to several types of mosquitoes, including the Culex and Aedes species. Culex mosquitoes are known for transmitting West Nile virus, while Aedes mosquitoes can carry diseases like Zika and dengue. While both male and female mosquitoes of these types may exist, remember that only female mosquitoes bite – also called a “blood meal,” necessary for reproduction.

Professional Fort Collins CO Pest Control

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White checkmark in filled circle icon  Quarterly treatments3
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Whole-home protection
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Seasonal granule
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Spiders, ants and more
White crossmark in circle icon  Wasps, hornets & roaches
White crossmark in circle icon  Mice and rats
White crossmark in circle icon  Mosquito control5

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White checkmark in filled circle icon  Bi-monthly treatments3
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Whole-home protection
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Seasonal granule
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Spiders, ants and more
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Wasps, hornets & roaches
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Mice and rats
White crossmark in circle icon  Mosquito control5

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White checkmark in filled circle icon  Bi-monthly treatments3
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Whole-home protection
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Seasonal granule
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Spiders, ants and more
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Wasps, hornets & roaches
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Mice and rats
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Mosquito control5

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White checkmark in filled circle icon  Monthly treatments4
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Property protection
White checkmark in filled circle icon  Mosquito only5
White checkmark in filled circle icon  May be added to Four+ or Six+

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1 During regular business hours (Monday – Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm), an OBEX representative and/or sales agent will contact you via call, text, email, and/or combination of the like, for the sale of pest control services. You agree that standard text messages and/or data rates may apply, and promotional/sale messaging can be stopped at any time by replying STOP, or unsubscribing at the bottom of emails. Claim of a reply “within minutes” is average response time during operation hours, and is not guaranteed.

2 Granule is laid seasonally, roughly 50 ft from foundation of home. Sprays and/or additional treatment on fences are based on size of property, may not cover around entire fence line or may be targeted to specific found pest(s).

3 Bi-monthly treatments are once every other month.

4 Mosquito treatments follow same bi-monthly schedule, and are not scheduled monthly, as the mosquito-only plan.

5 Treatments are once per month, when we’re in the local area. Exact timing each month is not guaranteed. Seven-service (7) agreement required, which may carry into the following year’s season, depending on sign-up month. Early cancel fee may apply.

Four+, Six+ and Six Pro: Twelve-month (12) agreement required. Early cancel fee may apply. All OBEX 365 plans: Spot treatment re-services requests may require waiting period, due to local, state and/or federal regulatory laws of pesticide applications or other routing conflicts. At its sole discretion, OBEX may limit the amount of free applications a customer may receive, and does not guarantee a specific timeframe requested by the customer may be available. Active pest issue must be occurring at the time of request, and visit requires someone over 18 to be present for the entire treatment.

Service does not include the control or prevention of wood infesting organisms such as termites, powder post beetles, wood borers, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, wood wasps, or wood decay fungus. OBEX will treat for wasp nests on homes; however, we do not guarantee for flying insects. See Pest Control Service Agreement for additional information and limitations.