How Colorado's Unique Weather Patterns Lead to Increased Pest Activity

Colorado’s summer months, particularly July and August, can dramatically influence pest activity. This year, the weather situation is even more intense due to April 2024, which was recorded as the wettest month of the 21st century. These wet conditions have set the stage for a surge in pest populations, making it essential for homeowners and businesses to be proactive in managing these nuisances. Regular pest control services, such as those offered by OBEX are crucial for keeping these unwanted guests at bay.

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A Wet April: The Perfect Environment for Pests

April 2024 broke records as the wettest month in Denver’s history, creating an environment ripe for pest breeding and survival. The excessive rainfall provided ample moisture and food sources, leading to a significant increase in pest populations. Why are there so many bugs in my house during the summer? The answer lies in the abundance of food and shelter created by this wet weather.

The Moisture Effect: Breeding Grounds for Pests


The heavy rainfall in April resulted in saturated soils and elevated humidity levels, fostering perfect breeding conditions for pests. Insects such as ants, mosquitoes, and earwigs thrive in moist environments. This explains their surge in numbers as temperatures rise in the summer. Furthermore, the excess moisture promotes plant and fungal growth, which can provide even more food sources for various pests.


The high humidity levels left behind by the spring rains directly contributed to increased insect activity. For instance, mosquitoes thrive in standing water, which is abundant after a rainy month. The wet conditions allowed for a significant rise in their populations, leading to more mosquito bites and the potential for disease transmission during the summer months.

Why Pests Are Seeking Shelter Indoors

As pest populations continue to rise outside, homes and businesses in Colorado cities like Aurora, Colorado Springs, Arvada, and Littleton are seeing a noticeable increase in unwanted guests.

The Search for Coolness

When summer temperatures peak, many pests instinctively seek cooler environments. During July and August, outdoor conditions can become excessively hot, driving pests like ants, spiders, and cockroaches indoors where temperatures are more moderate. Additionally, when the ground becomes dry and cracked, many insects will look for shaded, cooler areas, which often lead them inside buildings.

Moisture and Humidity

Indoor environments often maintain higher humidity levels compared to the outdoors during hot weather. Many pests are attracted to the moisture that can be found in areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. Why are there so many pincher bugs in my house? Earwigs (or pincher bugs) thrive in damp conditions, making homes an attractive option for shelter during the dry summer months. The presence of moisture within structures creates a haven for these insects.

Food Sources

Homes and businesses often provide ample food sources for pests, especially during the summer when many families are more active and tend to leave food out. Why are there so many bugs in my house? Food crumbs, pet food, and organic waste can attract ants, cockroaches, and other pests, leading them to invade homes in search of a meal. Additionally, poorly sealed containers can provide easy access to pantry goods for many insects.

Shelter From Predators

Many pests also seek refuge indoors to escape predators. For instance, spiders hunt insects and can also find their way inside homes. However, insects like ants may take shelter inside to avoid being preyed upon by birds and other outdoor predators. The safety of indoor environments allows them to establish their presence without the risk of being eaten.

Nesting Opportunities

With the abundance of moisture and food available indoors, pests are more likely to establish nests inside homes and businesses. Ants may build nests in wall voids or beneath flooring, taking advantage of the damp conditions. The summer months can lead to increased nesting activity, resulting in further pest problems.

An extreme close-up image of a grasshopper on a wet plant in Fort Morgan, Colorado. The wet 2024 season has exponentially increased pest populations across the state.

Weather Patterns and Pest Behavior

Adapting to the Environment

The shifting weather patterns during the summer months play a crucial role in pest behavior. The combination of a wet spring followed by dry summer conditions creates unique challenges for pest management. High humidity from spring rains often results in more house bugs appearing in homes as they search for moisture during the dry periods.

Increased Foraging and Nesting Activity

The abundance of moisture in the early summer encourages pests to forage and reproduce more actively. Many pests increase their foraging efforts to support growing colonies, while nesting behavior becomes more pronounced. Understanding these patterns is vital for effective pest control.

Managing the Pest Surge: The Role of Regular Pest Control

Given Colorado’s unpredictable weather and its significant impact on pest populations, regular pest control services are essential. Why are there so many bugs in my house? Routine inspections and treatments by professionals like those at OBEX help keep pest populations under control and prevent severe infestations.

Preventative Measures

Taking preventative measures is key to managing pest populations. Regular inspections, sealing entry points, and maintaining a clean, dry environment can significantly reduce the likelihood of infestations. Professional pest control services can identify and address potential problems before they escalate, ensuring a healthier living space.

Strategies for Effective Management

The combination of a wet April and a hot summer in Colorado has created ideal conditions for various pests. From increased insect populations to the migration of pests indoors, the impact on homes and businesses has been significant. Understanding why there are so many bugs in my house during the summer and how weather patterns influence pest behavior is key to effective pest management.

Regular pest control services, like those offered by us here at OBEX, play a vital role in maintaining a comfortable and healthy living environment. By addressing the root causes of infestations and implementing preventative measures, homeowners and businesses can enjoy a more pest-free summer.

For those dealing with little black bugs in the house or wondering why there are so many bugs outside right now, professional pest control services from us offer the expertise and solutions needed to tackle these challenges. Emphasizing the importance of ongoing pest control and understanding the impact of weather on pest behavior will help ensure a more comfortable living space throughout the summer and beyond.

A proactive approach to pest control involves monitoring conditions that attract pests, such as moisture and food sources. Using preventive treatments and strategies can help mitigate pest activity altogether. OBEX employs targeted strategies that disrupt pest behavior, reducing their presence in and around homes or businesses.

1 During regular business hours (Monday – Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm), an OBEX representative and/or sales agent will contact you via call, text, email, and/or combination of the like, for the sale of pest control services. You agree that standard text messages and/or data rates may apply, and promotional/sale messaging can be stopped at any time by replying STOP, or unsubscribing at the bottom of emails. Claim of a reply “within minutes” is average response time during operation hours, and is not guaranteed. 

Four+, Six+ and Six Pro: Twelve-month (12) agreement required. Early cancel fee may apply. All OBEX 365 plans: Spot treatment re-services requests may require waiting period, due to local, state and/or federal regulatory laws of pesticide applications or other routing conflicts. At its sole discretion, OBEX may limit the amount of free applications a customer may receive, and does not guarantee a specific timeframe requested by the customer may be available. Active pest issue must be occurring at the time of request, and visit requires someone over 18 to be present for the entire treatment.

* Service does not include the control or prevention of wood infesting organisms such as termites, powder post beetles, wood borers, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, wood wasps, or wood decay fungus. OBEX will treat for wasp nests on homes; however, we do not guarantee for flying insects. See Pest Control Service Agreement for additional information and limitations.